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O tabaco para narguilé Eternal Smoke Caribbean Nights é a mistura ideal de frutas tropicais. Possui notas de abacaxi, goiaba e manga, com um toque de coco. Os sabores são bem equilibrados e não muito doces. A fumaça é suave e cheia de sabor. O tabaco para narguilé Eternal Smoke é feito com ingredientes naturais e não possui sabores ou corantes artificiais.
Very well balanced flavor profile. 5 stars really. Enjoyed this and so far is one of the better flavors I've tried from anywhere. This was my first Eternal Smoke buy and since I have purchased other flavors also.
Really great fruity flavor!
Definitely one of my favorite flavors, super fruity. I mix it with mint to make it more cooling
Nasty flavor
Aryeh Goldshmid
One of the best flavors i ever smoked
It's litterly like it's called, exotic fruits.
Light and refreshing.