Molasses catcher

What is a molasses catcher?


Hey there! Today we'll talk about an accessory many people are still unfamiliar with, the molasses catcher. Molasses catcher has become an essential part of hookah smoking. But what is so important about it? Let us tell you. 

What does a molasses catcher do?

Molasses killer and molasses catcher are the most common names for this accessory. Generally speaking, the molasses catcher prevents the syrup from leaking into the vase. Why is this important? After 2-3 sessions, water in the base will still be clear, and the shaft will not get soaked in syrup from the previous bowls. The catcher is a container with holes placed between the bowl connector and the bowl. The juice leaks out of the bowl and runs down the molasses catcher's walls, and accumulates inside the container. 

Molasses catcher on the bowl

For ease of cleaning, the molasses catcher consists of 2 parts, a top and a bottom, which are attached by threads (mostly). Depending on the model, the molasses catcher can either be screwed to the hookah stem or connected with a grommet. Some catchers are designed to work with certain brands of hookahs only, while others are universal and can be used with any hookah. 

Conceptic Design Molasses catcher
Conceptic Design Molasses catcher

    Many hookah brands have begun to produce molasses catchers: different designs, types of connections, and, of course, prices. The cheapest molasses catcher from brands like Cyril will cost $17, while high-end models like Conceptic Design or Steamulation will cost $50-$80. 

 How to choose a molasses catcher?

    Some hookah experts don't recommend using the universal catchers connected with a rubber seal because those might cause your hookah bowl to disconnect and fall occasionally. It depends on the sizing of your grommet, bowl cone, and diameter of the bowl's leg. If all parts fit together correctly, you should not experience any issues. 

Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -
Conceptic Design Molasses Catcher -

コンセプティックデザイン モラセスキャッチャー

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Cyril Molasses Catcher - Black
Cyril Molasses Catcher - Wave
Cyril Molasses Catcher - Orange
Cyril Molasses Catcher - Gray
Cyril Molasses Catcher -
Cyril Molasses Catcher -
Cyril Molasses Catcher -
Cyril Molasses Catcher -
Cyril Molasses Catcher -
Cyril Molasses Catcher - Black
Cyril Molasses Catcher - Wave
Cyril Molasses Catcher - Orange
Cyril Molasses Catcher - Gray
Cyril Molasses Catcher -
Cyril Molasses Catcher -
Cyril Molasses Catcher -
Cyril Molasses Catcher -
Cyril Molasses Catcher -


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Steamulation Carbon Molasses Catcher - Black Blue
Steamulation Carbon Molasses Catcher - Black Gold
Steamulation Carbon Molasses Catcher - Black Matt
Steamulation Carbon Molasses Catcher - Black Blue
Steamulation Carbon Molasses Catcher - Black Gold
Steamulation Carbon Molasses Catcher - Black Matt

Steamulation カーボンモラセスキャッチャー

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YKAP Molasses Catcher -
YKAP Molasses Catcher - For YKAP Mini/YKAP Ego Hookahs
YKAP Molasses Catcher - For YKAP Killer/YKAP Ego Hookahs
YKAP Molasses Catcher - For YKAP Slim/Loco/Pro/Pro Wood Hookahs
YKAP Molasses Catcher -
YKAP Molasses Catcher -
YKAP Molasses Catcher - For YKAP Mini/YKAP Ego Hookahs
YKAP Molasses Catcher - For YKAP Killer/YKAP Ego Hookahs
YKAP Molasses Catcher - For YKAP Slim/Loco/Pro/Pro Wood Hookahs
YKAP Molasses Catcher -
YKAP Molasses Catcher -

YKAP モラセスキャッチャー

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If you plan to purchase Conceptic Design or Steamulation hookahs, molasses killers from both brands are a must-have. Not only will they perfectly fit the hookah's design, but they also provide you with a top-level smoking experience. In addition, Conceptic Design catchers come with several different adaptors, so be used with Wookah, Mattpear, Y.K.A.P, and other hookah brands. Just make sure to double-check the compatibility before you purchase.