Midnight Orchard Apple 是 Tangiers 對經典 Double Apple 水煙味道的詮釋。Double Apple 幾乎是每個水煙品牌都擁有的口味。它主要聞起來像茴香,帶有甜蘋果的香氣。Midnight Orchard Apple 是 Tangiers Noir 系列的一部分,比大多數水煙煙草更強烈,這意味著它會給新手吸煙者帶來更強的暈眩感。
Apple has long become boring to everyone, how can anyone be surprised by this aroma? Tangiers tried - and he did it. Interesting aroma of ripe sweet and sour apple and a touch of anise. Unanimous recommendation: original and tasty.